Thursday, July 26, 2012

I can't remember what city this cathedral was in, but it was huge.

Another shot of the cathedral.

Another Palace in London. This was taken on our last night after we were done with the tour.

Amy in front of a statue of one of their queens.(I'm not sure if it is past or present queen)

We were walking through a park and this squirrel surprised us by jumping out of a trash can with a McDonald's fry container.     
These are the last of the pictures I took.  This trip was an amazing experience, hopefully I will be able to continue to see the world.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"That's it".  Our tour guide was telling us that he took a group of high school students to Stonehenge once and they were not impressed.  I though it was pretty neat.  Of course we only saw it from a distance.  We didn't have enough time to pay and actually go up to it and see it up close.  If you look closely at the picture you can see the droid people who were there touring.

It was very windy and cold.

Monday, July 16, 2012

This was taken in the city of Bath. The cathedral is in the back ground.

Another shot of the Cathedral.

The river in Bath.

The bridge in Bath.

Me in front of the bridge in Bath.

See the boat going under the bridge.

I took the next two pictures for Monica.  This little tea parlor was next to our bus stop. It was so cute, but we didn't eat there because it was too crowded.

Cute Alice in Wonderland themed tea parlor.  Look how cute the chairs are.

In the city of Bath we walked around looking for a bank/ATM because it was our last chance to exchange money or in my case get money to tip our tour guide(who was wonderful by the way).  I wish we would have taken care of that sooner so we would have had time to go into the Roman Baths.  Oh well we still saw a lot of the beautiful city. We even walked down and saw Jane Austens place where she stayed while in Bath. They didn't really have it marked so I didn't take any pictures.  My favorite thing from Bath was the bridge.  After we walked around we went and got a pastry for lunch then went into a candy shop.  It was such a cute little place.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

In the library at Cardiff Castle.

Outside of Cardiff Castle in Wales.

Amy and me locked up!

The ceiling inside of Cardiff Castle

Some of the carvings inside Cardiff Castle.

In Wales we went to Cardiff Castle and toured then had a traditional Welsh Banquet.  They served us food that was tradition for the King to eat.  I was surprised that I liked everything. I have some videos, but I'm having trouble down loading them I'll try again later.  There was some really good Welsh entertainment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ashley, Amy and me at T & H Doolans Pub.

Getting at drinks at the pub.

In Waterford we signed up to do a pub/walking history tour.  Well the rain stopped those plans, we ended up going to the pub and watching some football/soccer since we were there during the European Cup.  What do you get when three Mormon girls go into a pub?  Three girls that order pop! The pub we went to was Waterford's oldest tavern.  They hard dollars from all over the world posted on their walls.  Our tour guide ended up telling us about the city in the pub, the walking tour was rained out. I guess when you go to Ireland you should just expect it to rain, so take a good umbrella.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

 This video is of the Irish dancers for a show we went to in Dublin.  My battery died after a few seconds so I'm not sure I caught anything.
At the castle in Kilkenny.

A shot from the courtyard at the Kilkenny Castle.

A shot a the city of Kilkenny.

Pretty fountain at the Kilkenny Castle. I think Amy has some shots with us in front of the Castle. I guess we really need to get together to trade pictures.

A cool bridge with the castle in the background.

Me in front of the bridge.

Kilkenny was a cute little city, we mainly went and toured the outside of the castle and then walked around the city.  There were many cute little places to see. We grabbed lunch from a farmers market on the way back to the bus.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A shot at Glendalough, in the background is old cathedral with its original roof.Apparently it is unusual for old cathedrals to still have their roofs.   It started to rain while we were there.

On the trail to the lake, there are two lakes-The Glen of the Two Lakes.  We only saw one.  Not enough time to walk down and see the other.

A shot of the Lake, a very majestic spot.

A shot of me in front of the lake with a fallen log.

A waterfall on the side of the path.

Me standing in the rain in front of the water fall.

Some of the cool building.  I want to say that they used: blood, hair, and other interesting stuff in their building techniques.

A shot of the Cathedral.

Me in front of the Cathedral.

The cemetery at the cathedral.

One of the extra excursions we chose to do was go to Glendalough- The Glen of two Lakes.  The little brochure says "This sacred site is famous for it's tranquil beauty." This was a very true statement.  I wish we would have had time to see both lakes, but there just wasn't enough time.  Our guide rushed through some of the history because it started to rain.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Me in front of Paddy's Rock, on our way to the ferry.  

A cool light house shot.

Another shot of Paddy's rock.

The Ferry to Ireland.

Amy and I looking out at the water.

A shot of the A-team before getting on the ferry

A shot of Paddy's rock from the ferry.

On the way to Ireland!
This was on last shot of Scotland.  Somehow it got out of order here.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Me in front of Scott Monument. We had to rush to get pictures so cars and people weren't in the way.

The Olympic rings are in the background.  See how strong I am.

In front of Edinburgh Castle.

Another shot at the castle.  Look at the detail of the stone carving.

Road leading up to the castle.

This is where we had to stop, we didn't pay so we couldn't actually go into the castle.

Oh's us looking lost.

The Royal Mile is exactly  that, a mile leading up to the castle.

A picture of St. Giles Cathedral.

At another cemetery.
Nelson Monument was at the lop of Calton hill.  The view was amazing it looked over the whole city of Edinburgh.

We looked over and they had a monument of Abraham Lincoln in their cemetery.  It was in remembrance of all Scottish American Soldiers.

Me in front of National Monument.

That is the City Observatory. I sat down on a rock to get this picture and ended up with a wet bottom. Oops!

A building at the top of Calton Hill.

I'm not sure of the name of this monument.  It was at the top of Calton Hill also.

Me in front of the monument I didn't know the name of.

Oh look we made it back to the bus stop.  We were so proud of ourselves(we thought for sure we would get lost).  Ashley, Aubree, and Amy.   

This was Edinburgh Scotland.  We had pretty much the whole day to tour at our own pace, which is why I think it ended up being my favorite.  I'm sure we didn't see everything though.